About Us

Meet Tony, our founder. He's the kind of guy who could never really settle into the corporate mold. Yes, he had the desk job, the suit, and the usual office hours, but his soul was tuned to a different kind of symphony. The symphony of revving engines and the thrill of the open road.

One day, trapped in a never-ending traffic jam, he found himself gazing at the mundane sea of vehicles ahead. Suddenly a lightbulb moment: "What if these dull journeys could be made more entertaining?" As a passionate car enthusiast, he saw a golden opportunity to blend his love for automobiles with his infectious sense of humor. And just like that, the concept of Peel Off Wheels was born.

Tony said goodbye to his corporate career and welcomed the exciting world of peel off decals with open arms. He knew these weren't just stickers; they were ice breakers, mood enhancers, and daily dose of humor, capable of turning any monotonous drive into a fun-filled experience.

Tony's vision for Peel Off Wheels was straightforward and ground-breaking: to sprinkle a touch of humor onto every drive. Offering a diverse array of funny, smart, and absolutely hilarious decal designs, he made sure there's something for everyone at Peel Off Wheels.

Today, we continue to steer Tony's vision forward, infusing every journey with a dash of fun. As we keep innovating and delivering entertaining peel off decals, we've grown into more than just a business - we are a community of drivers who believe in making each journey an extraordinary one.

At Peel Off Wheels, we're not just peddling stickers; we're distributing joy, one peel off decal at a time. Hop on board with us and turn every drive into a delightful adventure!